Anna Klebus ist Vice President Information Technology EMEA bei Invacare International Gmbh Anna Klebus is a recognized technology transformation leader with more than 20 years of professional experience and known for her strategic thinking to achieve business goals. She offers a unique blend of executive acumen, global, regional and country experience as well as broad IT knowledge credited by a strong track record of driving strategies and operational improvements while building strong, diverse teams. Anna Klebus joined Invacare in February 2018 as Vice President Information Technology EMEA and the Member of European Executive Team. Her focus is on making IT a true business partner and producing a business value for Invacare in the form of financial performance, customer satisfaction, innovation and productivity. Prior to joining Invacare, Anna served is Vice President Group Information Technology at Omya, being responsible for IT Services across the globe. Anna also spent almost 19 years in senior leadership technology roles in Novartis, building IT strategies and capabilities in many functional areas like Sales & Marketing, Finance, and most recently Manufacturing and Supply Chain. Anna holds a master’s degree in Computer Science from University of Technology in Bialystok (PL) and post-graduate diploma in Management and Business from Main School of Trade in Warsaw (PL).
Im Blog
IT ist Männersache? Falsch gedacht: Das sind unsere Schweizer Heldinnen der IT
Frauen in der IT-Rolle sind rar. Auch wenn wir uns über zahlreiche Anmeldungen für das Confare Swiss CIO Summit freuen, das am 19. September 2018 in Zürich stattfindet: Von über 150 hochkarätigen CIOs und Branchenprofis sind nur 12,4% weiblich. Das spiegelt den allgemeinen Trend wieder. Während die Führungsetagen bereits zu etwa 20% weiblich besetzt sind, steigt der Frauenanteil in der IT nur im Schneckentempo.
Mehr Frauen in der IT! Das wünschen wir uns nicht nur für unsere CIO Events.