
Johanna Bednarek

by Bianca Bogad-Frey
Johanna Bednarek Foto - Confare Speaker Bild

Managing Director
Pfeifer & Langen IT-Solutions

I am a passionate leader, digital enthusiant, female empowerment supporter with a big passion for self-development.

I am an absolute people person. #Peoplefirst is my motto. If I want a good performance, I need to absolutely focus on my employees. Empowerment of my team members is one of my biggest values.
Female leadership is a big focus of mine. It is important to include more female and diverse leaders throughout all branches and positions.

As I am leading an IT team my passion for digitalization and automatization grows more and more. I love to see how we optimize processes together, implement new software, make the life of our colleagues easier and push forward the digitalization transformation throughout the company.

Female Empowerment:
I am a member of nushu female business and support other women whereever I can. Only together we can break the glass-ceiling, old-fashioned ways of thinking and include more diversity to make our world a bit brighter.


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Confare Female IT-Mentoring Frankfurt 2025

am 30. September 2025

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