Prof. Dr. Peter A. Bruck PhD, MA
President of the ICNM – International Center for New Media
Chairperson of Board of Directors of WSA – World Summit Awards in context of UNO
Secretary General and Executive Board Member DIO – Data Intelligence Initiative Austria
Prof. DDr. Peter A. Bruck studied law, economics, sociology, and communications at the universities of Vienna, Iowa and McGill. He holds doctorates in law and communications and has taught at universities in Canada, the US and Western Europe plus Israel and Poland.
He has more than 35 years’ experience in founding and managing research centers and IT companies, he started up the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg and has acted as consultant in information technologies in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Portugal, the US and Canada. Mr. Bruck received numerous awards and fellowships in Europe, the US and Canada and is listed in the Canadian and Austrian Who’s Who.
His business experience includes working as the Chief Content Officer in the management of the Telekom Austria Group, running the business unit on Interactive Media and 20 years as managing director of the Research Studios Austria FG, bringing digital innovations from universities into markets. He successfully started up several companies in the research and educational tech space and effectively concluded M&A deals.
In 2022, his main interest focuses on global digital innovation and social impact ventures and the development of Data Spaces for sustainability and mitigating the climate crisis.
Herr Kalam ist ein begeisterter Technologie-Evangelist, hält Vorträge auf internationalen Konferenzen und hat aktuell Lehraufträge auf unterschiedlichen Universitäten. Als Scientific Coordinator betätigt er sich ehrenamtlich im größten Europäischen Start-up Netzwerk Talent Garden und kooperiert eng mit KMUs aus Innovationsumfeld.
Neben seiner beruflichen Laufbahn ist er Aktivist in der “Union der europäischen Föderalisten” und Mitbegründer verschiedener NGO-Initiativen wie “StreetEdu” und “USPT”, die die Bildung von Straßenkindern aus Südostasien unterstützen.